Friday, January 21, 2011

8 Months



Supposedly babies don’t get spoiled by being held a lot.  I beg to differ.  After 2 weeks of Christmas vacation and seeing various relatives and friends, we had some bad habits to break.  For the first week after Christmas vacation, you would cry every time we sat you down.  If we would bend down and put our hands on your back or sides  you were instantly better.  Finally, you are back to being content playing, crawling, and hanging out with sister!

Stats- Holding steady at 25lbs and 30 inches.  

What You’re Wearing- 18 months, size 4 diapers

Firsts- Got your fourth tooth (second on the top), Christmas, New Year’s, K-State at the Pinstripe Bowl, and first snow!!! 



You are army crawling everywhere with the occasional perch on all fours, you insist on holding your bottle, trying to feed yourself, and have not patience for begin treated like a baby.  You graduated to a bigger car seat.  We had a baby shower for Aunt Kelly, Uncle Sam, and Baby Cora.


From Head To Toe- your blonde hair is actually getting longish – maybe a trim around the ears soon? 

Loves- playing with sister, listening to stories, riding in the car, knocking down blocks or stacking cups, being tickled, rolling and army crawling. 

Dislikes- not having full control of his spoon!  5 – 7 p.m. 

Eating – we’ve had a bit of a set back this month.  During Christmas break you were doing a great job of eating your baby food.  Now that we are back in school and having a normal routine, your lips are clamped shut unless you are in charge of the spoon.  You do much better with finger foods like wagon wheels, puffs, etc. that you can manipulate yourself.

Sleeping- Bedtime between 8 and 9 p.m.  Rise and shine between 7 and 8 a.m. 

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